There are numerous easy ways to make money online. The resources are readily available, all you need is to be smart and know how to leverage them. One of the ways is by monetizing your social media – yes, we are talking about how you can earn money from TikTok.
TikTok is not just a social media platform for entertainment. It has quickly evolved into a social commerce platform and continues to reshape the retail landscape. This is one of the reasons why brands should pay attention to TikTok.
A recent story by BFM reported that a 26-year-old Orang Asli woman in Pahang makes a decent monthly income by selling products sourced from the forest on TikTok.
Surprisingly, with the money she earned, she can finally fulfil her dream of building a dream home, which will be ready by May. It’s amazing how she managed to collect the money to build the house from the earnings of her TikTok business in just 5 months.
Nur Rafidah Man makes and sells products sourced from the forest such as kacip fatimah, tongkat ali, and honey, to name a few.
So, how did she get the idea to sell her products on TikTok?
She attended a multimedia and digital business workshop at SMK Kuala Krau in June and August 2023. With the knowledge she gained, she acquired skills in video recording and editing, content titling, and getting the right equipment to set up her live TikTok Shop.
The mother of one has successfully sold 9,000 units of her products in the past five months. Her TikTok account @nur_rafidah_man has almost 60,000 followers.
Rafidah, who previously worked as a school canteen assistant, did not expect her attempt to generate more income on TikTok would be successful.
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