Due to the rapid evolution of technology, many won’t notice that the huge issue relating to employment is happening right now. Women across the economic spectrum tend to lose their jobs higher than men. It is based on a study released earlier this month by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR).
Women are losing their jobs
With the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies that
Among the positions are
Examining the possibility of automation based on current technology, it is found that 58 per cent of at-risk workers were women. For every seven men in occupations with a 90 per cent likelihood of automation, there are 10 women.
Creating new jobs
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, they predicted a jobs increase of 7 per cent between 2016 and 2026. More new jobs are being created for the displaced women.
Another potential solution to curb this issue is by training women for higher-wage positions. But, for women who already in their careers for years or decades, skill building can be a challenge.
Industry 4.0
We can’t predict how quickly office automation will take hold, but we are surely slowly shifting towards that direction. The timeline largely depends on customers and clients – if people get used to technology, the speed will increase.
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